Entry Information
Friday, 23rd August 2024, 7:00pm - 9:00pm (opening night)
Saturday & Sunday, 24th and 25th August, 10:00am – 4:00pm (exhibition)
Crib Point Community House, 7 Park Rd, Crib Point
The purpose of the August Art Attack (AAA) art show is to:
All age groups are encouraged to exhibit their artwork in the August Art Attack. We welcome both experienced artists and those exhibiting for the first time.
There are two categories of entrants:
Under 18's entries are judged in two sections:
Note: There are different entry forms for adult entries and under 18's.
The following types of art can be entered for this art show:
Entry forms can be requested by email or phone 0417 322 688
They may also be collected in person from the Crib Point Community House
Address: Crib Point Community House, 7 Park Road, Crib Point, 3919.
(The Community House is open Mon – Thurs: 9:00am – 3:00pm, Fri: 9:00am – 12:00pm)
Important! Please specify if you want an Adult entry form or an Under 18's entry form.
Completed entry forms must be received no later than Monday, 12th August in person or by email.
These entry forms must:
No late entry forms will be accepted!
Entry fees are $5.00 per artwork.
Entry fees must be paid when you submit your entry form, to confirm your entry. You can email your bank deposit payment receipt with your entry form.
Entries will not be accepted unless the entry fees have been paid, either in person or by bank deposit.
Bank Deposit details: Crib Point Community House Inc.
BSB: 633 000 Acc No: 143095438
Important: All hanging artwork must be of a durable material and made ready for hanging, ie: They must be fitted with flush D ring hangers (available from Bunnings) and hanging wire or heavy duty cord.
Note: Eyehooks are not acceptable.
A completed identification label must be firmly affixed to the back of your artwork. (Labels provided on entry form)
The organisers reserve the right of final approval of all artworks to be exhibited.
Artworks must be delivered to the Crib Point Community House at one of the following times:
The Crib Point Community House will retain 10% commission on all sales at the art show.
Artists will be paid for their sold artwork by direct deposit within 10 days of the close of the art show.
Artists must collect their unsold works at the following times:
(Or during Community House hours - only by prior arrangement.)
Opening night is on Friday 23rd August. Ticket numbers are limited.
Bookings and payment are absolutely essential.
When artists drop off their artwork, they will be given one free ticket for entry to the exhibition on the Saturday and Sunday.
Otherwise, entry for adults is $5.00. Entry for under 18's is free.